What is a 'channel' on Kolibri?

Answer: A “channel” is a collection of content and metadata, organized into a “topic tree”. For example, the Khan Academy channel has 4 levels of nested topics:
Domain > Subject > Topic > Tutorial
(e.g. “Math” > “Arithmetic” > “Fractions” > “Comparing fractions”). A channel aligned to a specific state curriculum might instead be structured as:
Grade > Subject > Unit (e.g. “Fifth Standard” > “Math” > “Unit 5”)

  • A channel can consist of content from the many sources we make available (such as Khan Academy, CK-12 or TESSA, among others) and/or from your own materials (as long as they are in one of the following formats that we support thus far: MP4, MP3, EPUB, PDF, and ZIP (packaged HTML5)).

  • You may also choose to pull select content from the existing content channels and create a new personalized channel for your learners. Kolibri Studio allows you to pick and choose specific content pieces and arrange them however you would like.

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OK, I can see that structure and how it would work for my situation, for example I am doing a course for an “optometriic technician” so the 4 levels would be:
iTech Crash Course > Pretest > Visual Acuity > Snellan

I have both written material in PDF and in video in MP4 for this course. I have exam questions to ask to certify the learner has absorbed the material.

Where do I load this material, on what server and where?
For the questions, what are markdown documents and / or exercise formats?

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Hi Gerry,

Thanks for your question! I’ll follow up with you individually on more information on this process.


Are there any good links @laura that you may share with the broader community? I’m curious to follow in Gerry’s footsteps and create a course curriculum to deliver via Kolibri.