When I run KA-Lite I get the error message “python.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly.”
This is on a virgin Dell 3180 Education laptop with the most recent KA-Lite 0.17 installation on Windows 10 Pro.
I can run python (2.7.12) interactively on the laptop okay. I can start KA-Lite okay. Starting the server however generates the “python stopped working” message.
Administrative Event Viewer said that module _hashlib.pyd in python.exe had a fault.
“python.exe has stopped working” update:
django.log had an error: No en_icu.js file found in locale_path C:\Users\xxxx.kalite\locale
This file does not exist on my machine
server.log is empty
Thanks @Scott - there had been some speculation into whether a change in the Windows installer for 0.17.1 had caused things to break on Windows 10, but this indicates that the problem persists from an earlier version (we have had 4 issue reports about Windows 10, and 0 for other OS’es).
I can start KA-Lite okay
This is a little strange. So with command line interaction, everything is working?
Can you run kalite start and kalite stop from command line, and will the server run as it’s supposed to? Because this is the same as starting the server.
Problems could also exist in the GUI system tray application or with the startup service (which starts KA Lite at boot)…
kalite is not a recognized command. The installer made the KAlite executable “KA Lite.exe”, The only environment variables related to KA are:
There is no KAlite anything in the PATH.
I have been working on this for 16 hours. I bought the most recommended laptop for Education from the largest education laptop vendor (Dell), an Education Latitude 3180. It comes with Windows 10 Pro, the only OS available for this laptop. It has the most current Microsoft Update, the “Creative” update. Has KA-Lite been tested on Windows 10 Pro, Creative edition?" This is a completely stock machine with no other software loaded except what comes from Dell. I must be an idiot. :O( I’m trying to set up this machine for NY State prisons.
As I mentioned before, the System Applications error log indicated the problem came from python.exe executing module _hashlib.pyd.
I can run python (2.7.12) interactively on the laptop okay. I can start KA-Lite okay.
…I thought you were already running it from command line.
There is no KAlite anything in the PATH.
This is true, the Python Scripts dir isn’t automatically added to the path. If you do cd c:\Python27\Scripts before, then there’s a kalite command in that directory.
I have been working on this for 16 hours. I bought the most
recommended laptop for Education from the largest education laptop
vendor (Dell), an Education Latitude 3180. It comes with Windows 10
Pro, the only OS available for this laptop. It has the most current
Microsoft Update, the “Creative” update. Has KA-Lite been tested on
Windows 10 Pro, Creative edition?" This is a completely stock machine
with no other software loaded except what comes from Dell. I must be an
idiot. :O( I’m trying to set up this machine for NY State prisons.
You are doing nothing wrong here, but unfortunately, things that work on other Windows versions seems to have issues on Windows 10.
As I mentioned before, the System Applications error log indicated the problem came from python.exe executing module _hashlib.pyd.
I’m sorry but it’s difficult with this particular error since it’s about a library that AFAIK isn’t used while starting up the server. It’s a core library of Python though. By running KA Lite from command line, we might get more output:
cd c:\Python27\Scripts
kalite start
To stop it again, run kalite stop in the same command line. If you find errors in server.log or logs/django.log, those would be helpful.
Thanks for taking your time! I’m sorry that it’s not just plug and play for you
In Chrome, http:/ says “This site can’t be reached. refused to connect.”
I get this error after starting KA-lite, both before and after starting the server.
In this case, have you started the server from command line? Because looking at the command line output you posted, the server is started (leave the command line open, closing it will stop the server again).
With File Manager, navigate to C:\Python27\Scripts
Get command prompt (shift-right-click open area; select “Open command window here”)
C:\Python27\Scripts>kalite start
Running ‘kalite start’ as daemon (system service)
Going to daemon mode, logging to C:\Users\CCP Administrator.kalite\server.log
To access KA Lite from another connected computer, try the following addresses(es):
To access KA Lite from this machine, try the following address:
[INFO] [2017-…,299] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] loading and serving the Django application
[INFO] [2017-…,331] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor".
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Serving on
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE bus STARTED
(wrote down time of last cherrypy.error message: 02/Jun/2017:08:29:01)
(lost focus in command window; KA-Lite icon NOT in system tray{
See what is happening in Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete)
Sort on Processes; two instances of python.exe, no instance of KAlite
Open chrome browser to
“python.exe has stopped working” error message
Selected “Close Program” in python error message
The two python.exe processes were removed in Task Manager.
Closed all open windows.
Event Viewer | Custom Views | Administrative Events | sort on Date and Time
(two events after 02/Jun/2017:08:29:01 = “6/2/2017 8:29:01 AM)”
Error: DistributedCOM
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the
COM Server application with CLSID … and APPID … to the user
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost(Using LRPC) running in the
application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be
modified using the Component Services adminstrative tool.
The .kalite\logs\django.log:
[INFO] [2017-…,299] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] loading and serving the Django application
[INFO] [2017-…,331] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor".
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Serving on
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE bus STARTED
Re-boot (Windows 10 Professional)
Sign on as Administrator
With File Manager, navigate to C:\Python27\Scripts
Get command prompt (shift-right-click open area; select “Open command window here”)
C:\Python27\Scripts>kalite start
Running ‘kalite start’ as daemon (system service)
Going to daemon mode, logging to C:\Users\CCP Administrator.kalite\server.log
To access KA Lite from another connected computer, try the following addresses(es):
To access KA Lite from this machine, try the following address:
[INFO] [2017-…,299] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[INFO] [2017-…,315] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] loading and serving the Django application
[INFO] [2017-…,331] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor".
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE Serving on
[INFO] [2017-…,676] cherrypy.error: [02/Jun…] ENGINE bus STARTED
(wrote down time of last cherrypy.error message: 02/Jun/2017:08:29:01)
(lost focus in command window; KA-Lite icon NOT in system tray{
See what is happening in Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete)
Sort on Processes; two instances of python.exe, no instance of KAlite
Open chrome browser to
“python.exe has stopped working” error message
Selected “Close Program” in python error message
The two python.exe processes were removed in Task Manager.
Closed all open windows.
Event Viewer | Custom Views | Administrative Events | sort on Date and Time
(two events after 02/Jun/2017:08:29:01 = “6/2/2017 8:29:01 AM)”
Error: DistributedCOM
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the
COM Server application with CLSID … and APPID … to the user
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost(Using LRPC) running in the
application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be
modified using the Component Services adminstrative tool.
Your description of steps is excellent, thanks for being so detailed!
A quick clarification: The task tray icon is not KA Lite itself but a utility to start/stop KA Lite. Running it from command line is an alternative to using the system tray - but this method shows us detailed output.
At present, I think there’s a problem in the daemon mode, and maybe something that’s specific to Windows 10. So I wanna know why KA Lite doesn’t work when you navigate to the KA Lite URL in your browser, while KA Lite says it’s running in the background. It seems it might crash at the very first page visit.
In this step4, try running kalite start --foreground. This way it won’t go to daemon mode, it will just start and keep running as long as the command line is open. While it’s running, try navigating to in your browser. If it still doesn’t work, please paste the command line output, perhaps it contains the reason of a crash…
With File Manager, navigate to C:\Python27\Scripts
Get command prompt (shift-right-click open area; select “Open command window here”)
C:\Python27\Scripts>kalite start --foreground
Running ‘kalite start’ in foreground…
To access KA Lite from another connected computer, try the following addresses(es):
To access KA Lite from this machine, try the following address:
[INFO] [2017-…,608] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM
[INFO] [2017-…,624] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[INFO] [2017-…,624] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] loading and serving the Django application
[INFO] [2017-…,640] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor".
[INFO] [2017-…,890] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] ENGINE Serving on
[INFO] [2017-…,890] cherrypy.error: [03/Jun…] ENGINE bus STARTED
(wrote down time of last cherrypy.error message: 03/Jun/2017:07:38:51)
Open chrome browser to
“python.exe has stopped working” error message
Exactly the same as running kalite as a daemon.
No futher output on console.
See what is happening in Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Delete)
Sort on Processes; two instances of python.exe, no instance of KAlite
(same as in daemon mode)
Event Viewer | Custom Views | Administrative Events | sort on Date and Time
(same two events after 03/Jun/2017:07:38:51 = “6/3/2017 7:38:51 AM” as daemon mode)
Error: DistributedCOM
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the
COM Server application with CLSID … and APPID … to the user
NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SID (S-1-5-18) from address LocalHost(Using LRPC) running in the
application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be
modified using the Component Services adminstrative tool.
The .kalite\server.log is empty.
The .kalite\logs\django.log contains the same as console output:
Thanks again. Also, in case you wonder - we haven’t seen this issue on other platforms, and we have re-verified that it works fine on Windows 10 64 bit (not a pro licensed though).
Just reading a similar bug report from Windows 10 where the path for Python libraries seemed to have been confused due to co-existing 64 and 32 bit installations… You could try fetching the Windows x86-64 MSI installer here:
Also, make extra sure that you have just one Python environment installed.