"Make a copy" of a folder is never-ending

I tried to make a copy of an existing folder in a Kolibri channel using “Make a copy” function.

The new folder is visible including the “copying” message. This message is visible for three days now. I’m afraid something went wrong but I don’t know how to stop/delete this copying.

Does anybody know how to remove the stuck new folder which continuous to copy?

I am using the kolibri studio (https://studio.learningequality.org/) in a Chrome browser (Version 111.0.5563.65 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Hi @joostdam,

The color of the loading animation indicates the copy operation failed. We’re tracking this issue and intend to improve the user experience for the next upcoming release of Kolibri Studio.

To workaround it:

  1. Close all but one browser tabs with Studio open, in case you have multiple
  2. Refresh the tab with Studio open
  3. Wait 1 minute
  4. Sign out
  5. Sign back in

After signing out, the failed copy should have disappeared. The other steps are to ensure that any local changes in your browser are synced, since signing out will clear those from your browser.

If you could send me the URL to your channel in a DM, I will look into the cause of the copy failure itself. Please let us know if it happens again.
