Kolibri-specific Q&A from January 28 Community Webinar: "Using Kolibri for distance learning amid COVID-19"

The following are answers to some of the questions asked during the January 28 community webinar. If you have any additional questions, feel free to share them in a response below!

Q: New to this program – how can I start in my community?

A: Kolibri is free to download directly from our website. After downloading the platform, you can import resources from our Kolibri Content Library, or import your own content channels. If you are looking to upload your own content for offline use, you will need to use our curriculum tool, Kolibri Studio.

Kolibri can be installed onto a variety of devices and operating systems. Our hardware guide gives a sense of what technical components are needed for set-up and configuration, and you can see a list of possible device types. Our full set of documentation shares more about installation and using Kolibri. Lastly, take a look at our online demo site as well to get a better feel for what Kolibri looks like.

Q: Can you give examples of Global South developers who have created functionality on the system?

A: Organizations across the Global South have contributed to informing and co-designing functionality in Kolibri. Developers from UNETE in Mexico and the Nalanda Project in India have both contributed to its functionality, and Instituto Paramatis in Brazil have technically imported content into our library, as some examples. Shoulder to Shoulder, one of the presenters on this webinar, has deeply contributed feedback and testing.

Q: It appears like LE provides funding grants to support Kolibri implementations (hardware). Can you kindly clarify on this and if so make the grants available to all Kolibri learning implementers?

A: The Kolibri Hardware Grants Program is an initiative supported by Google.org that

provided organizations with funds for the purchase of necessary hardware to implement Kolibri in a variety of settings, ranging from formal schools, educational facilities, and non-formal learning settings to reach both school-aged and adult learners.

We are not currently accepting new applications for the grant program as the existing funds have been allocated, but we hope to be able to continue an iteration of the program in the future.

Q: How can tech be used with ELL students in under-resourced countries?

A: We have a variety of content sources in the Kolibri Content Library for use in Kolibri that support early literacy and English language development, including:

Q: Does the software enable learning for primary school children (primary 1-5 classes)? or below primary school children?

A: The Kolibri Content Library has a variety of content sources for ages ranging from primary to adult learners. In addition to the early literacy sources listed above, we have also included resources to support primary aged learning in other subject areas. Some of the relevant channels are noted below:

Q: Is there an alternative way of uploading new content to a Kolibri server instead of via Kolibri Studio?

A: You are correct that presently, new materials need to first be added to Kolibri Studio (online) in order to access them offline in Kolibri. We’re working on building this functionality—to add in content locally—offline in the future. There is a discussion on this in a few places on our Community Forum (see here: Making local files available on Kolibri without uploading to Kolibri Studio)

Q: What is tablet cost including software installed?

A: Kolibri is free and open source, so as it relates to your question, the costs are specific to any hardware that you may need to purchase. Kolibri also runs on older, pre-existing hardware. Take a look at our list of just a few suggested hardware options.

Q: How soon can we expect the Kolibri Android application?

A: We released an initial private version of Kolibri Android App to support individual use by learners and educators at home with the ability to share supported content via messaging tools from within the App). This version is being made available to users who meet a certain set of criteria, to ensure that the current functionalities and experience meet the general needs of the anticipated use case. If you are interested in learning more about this, please contact us at android-inquiries@learningequality.org. A version will be released publicly on the Google Play store later this year.