KA Lite on Android Tablet

Hello, im new in the community, thanks for everithing you have done.

Im interest in installing all KA Lite content in a Android Tablet. The goal is so deliver the tablet with all KA Lite data (all the videos also) to students in situation of poverty, so they can access it offline.
Is it posible? Whats the size of all KA Lite content in Spanish? Can all of it be installed on an Android tablet with a 64 GB SD card? What version of Android does it need? Or is it more viable on a Raspberry?

Every answer and orientation is welcome.

Hello! Currently, we do not support a way to run KA Lite on a standalone Android Tablet. However, we are working on making it possible to run Kolibri on a standalone Android device and anticipate making this available along with our public release.

In the mean time, you may consider a model of installing KA Lite on a server and then using tablets as a client device. Many of our partners use Raspberry Pi successfully with KA Lite.

The KA Lite Spanish content is ~18GB HDD (more information on the requirements can be found on our installation documentation page.

@Eli_Dai has been working on this and can maybe fill you in on the status and where he left off.

Hello. While we stopped active development on the standalone version of KA Lite on Android, we aim to develop something similar for our upcoming platform, Kolibri. It will be available alongside our official release of Kolibri in the next year.

Thanks for your answers.
Im looking foward for your release of Kolibri in 2017.
In the meanwhile im going to experiment with Raspberry Pi.

Keep up the wood work!

Now you are supporting?