Import French language learning channel from YouTube

@laura @RadinaMatic

I have good news! I reached out to one French language teacher on YouTube to ask permission to integrate her content into Kolibri. She happily agreed! This is something that in our context has really been lacking in terms of content offered to students. It is something that we have felt is very much needed here, but haven’t had an idea of the way forward to solve it. Then the idea came to me to search the French YouTube site to see what is available and just start asking. Worse they can say is “no!”

First content creator I asked happily agreed. I want to look for more to augment this.

However, I’d like to know the best way forward to integrate this content into the Kolibri offerings.

The channel is

Hi Chris,

This is great to hear! Thank you for taking the initiative to reach out. Did you reach out to the teacher over YouTube directly or did you also get her email address? I think we’d like to get in touch with her over email to understand the extent of the permissions for our records – if you can share it in a DM that’d be great, or let me know if I should message her directly on YT.

In the meantime, we’ll also take a look through the content to see if its a good fit for our public library. An automated integration would likely make the most sense, given the high number of videos.


Hi Laura,

I got her email address from her YouTube channel info. We exchanged info that way. She is French and I wrote to her in French. I’ll DM you the email address, but first I’ll let her know that you or someone from Learning Equality will be contacting her for clarification of her permissions in order to fully respect her understanding and expectations.

The content in many ways matches the kind of content found in the English “Hello” channel, and “Espresso English.” She is clearly a French-as-second-language instructor and her lessons cover good gammit for learning French. Her pronunciation is perfect, she speaks slowly and clearly.

This is good news for our work in Haiti. We have Kolibri loaded on our Internet In A Box and would love to add more content in French, Creole and Spanish. I look forward to learning more about this effort. Denny

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