Thanks a lot for this initiative. This is of great help. I am trying to bring this content to rural areas in India and was looking for content in local language. I found the Kahn academy has content in “Kannada” however this specific content is available in the channel of Kolibri.
Can I import videos from Kahn Academy and create a channel in Kolibri? If not, how I can help you to import these contents? I am based out of US and can help you over next weeks to port this content if you teach me how. Appreciate your response.
Hi @tejasvidevaru,
Thanks for getting in touch - we have an automated process for bringing in content from Khan Academy that we run internally, this relies on certain data being available from Khan Academy for us to run this import.
I have asked our team to look at the content for Kannada and see if it is appropriately formatted for our automated systems to work, so that you wouldn’t have to manually import it all. I will keep this thread updated as we know more!
Kind Regards,
Thanks a lot for the quick response. Will wait to hear back from you.
Hi Richard,
Happy New Year!! Just checking if you were able to import the 5th Kannada Math available on Khan Academy. If you could do the needful, appreciate it. As mentioned If you need additional hands I can also help you import. In addition to the above, I also need another course Khan Academy 10th Biology (India). “Class 10 Biology (India) | Science | Khan Academy”. This is also missing on the channel in Kolibri.
Appreciate your help.