Import channel content from network location

When I try to import a channel from a network location, I get all of my khan videos but none of the khan exercises. If I import from studio or a thumbdrive then all of the exercises copy fine.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Hi @educell, this is Jonathan from the Learning Equality team. Thank you for reporting this issue.

Could you share some information about the server your are importing from (e.g. the “network location”) and the server you are using to do the importing:

  1. Kolibri versions on both servers
  2. The versions of Khan Academy
  3. Generally, what subset of Khan Academy is on both servers (if not the whole channel)
  4. What is the file size of the channel (appears on the upper right corner of the channel card in Device > Channels page)
  5. Any logs that were created when importing (in case there were errors)
  6. Details about the two devices (like the operating system)

If everything were working as it should, one possible explanation for your issue is that the second network location server only has videos and no exercises were imported to begin with.

I have also replicated this issue -

Kolibri versions on both servers
0.11.1 - Source on Linux
0.11.1 - Destination on Windows 10

The versions of Khan Academy
Version 14

Generally, what subset of Khan Academy is on both servers (if not the whole channel)
Won’t matter. But I tested it with Khan Academy (English) > Math >1st grade > Place value > Numbers 0 to 120 and a few other topics as well.

What is the file size of the channel (appears on the upper right corner of the channel card in Device > Channels page)
At source: 30 GB, destination:1 GB

Any logs that were created when importing (in case there were errors)
No errors visible.

Details about the two devices (like the operating system)
Source on Linux
Destination on Windows 10

It is confirmed that the source server has exercises. This is easily replicated with any topic that contains exercises and imported using peer sync apart from studio. However, if we import from the studio, the exercises do come in.

Github issue:

Looks like you already got good info from @shrenik, one difference in my setup is that we’re running linux on both source/destination.

Thanks @shrenik, I do think the problem is related to the GitHub issue you referenced, and can be related to how the webserver (apart from Kolibri) serves “static” files like khan academy exercises.

I’m curious, does this only happen for network locations that you control, or does it also happen when you use something like Kolibri Studio ( as a network location?

Unfortunately, I can’t think of any workarounds if you have to import from a network location, but will let you know if the team comes up with one.