How to see class/group/learner's Report?

I was using Kalite before and the reports generated by that were really easy to use. You can see how many hours a student have spent and how many questions they solved all on one page. In Kolibri, I can’t see a summarized report. I have to click on each learner and then click on each channel to find out which lessons they have watched.

In the documentation, I found that the coach can see some reports like these

But I can’t find them.

Hi Mathkhan,

To see the reports like the screenshot you’ve shared, you’ll need to create a Lesson or Quiz and assign it to students. The reports show progress of the learners in the particular Lesson or Quiz that’s been assigned.

To see examples of some of what these reports look like, you can log into our demo site with the username ‘coachpass’ and password ‘pass.’

High Laura and Mathkhan

We have a similar problem in a KOLIBRI-Teacher-Training-project in El Salvador: We would like to know how many clicks (rights and wrongs) it took a user to complete a task / module. Is that possible? And if: how?

Greetings from Switzerland, Christoph. (

Thanks, Is there any way than we can get a summary report of each learner? Right now the coach has to click on each lesson learner and then click on each channel and go to specific course to see how many videos and exercises they have completed. It would be nice to click on a learner and see a summary report of how many videos they have watched, how many exercises they have completed, how many exams they have taken. For detailed report coach can click on number of videos to see from the videos are from which lessons.

Hi Laura,
differences between the demo coach and what I see.
This is same

when I click on a course this what democoach get to see

and that’s what I see

The lesson reports look like this in democoach

but thats what i get

I have to click on each lesson to see how many learners completed it.
Also if I click on learners tab in demo coach

But I get

which is again not very useful to get a quick summary.
Has kolibri been updated and the demo coach is showing the old GUI? Or I am using the old version? my version of kolibri is 0.11.1

Hi Mathkhan,

Thanks for the additional information and feedback. The differences you’re seeing on the demo site reflect the newest version, which is v0.12. You can see a summary of the changes in our release blog here.

@kuehnhanss: You can see how a student attempted each exercise or quiz question by clicking into the Reports page on a Coach account and then clicking on a Lesson or Quiz. Clicking into a specific question will give information on the number of attempts it took each student to answer it correctly and what answers they provided each time.