Gujarati translation of Kolibri completed

Our team has completed the translation of Kolibri in Gujarati at for 0.12.x.

Is there anything else than needs to be done by us to ensure its integration into the next release 0.12.1?

Thank you @shrenik! :+1:

It is a privilege having users willing to dedicate time to translate Kolibri into local languages.

Looping our team members @carine and @devon to keep coordinating the inclusion of Gujarati in the next patch release of Kolibri.

Thanks – I created an issue in github to add the language once it’s been proofread and approved:

One note is that we’ve considered doing a minor string update in 0.12.1, so there’s a chance we might need to make a few changes from the 0.12.0 strings.

Thanks @radina-matic.
Just doing our bit for the great effort you all are putting in.

Thanks @devon.

Please elaborate on the proofreading and approval process and if it needs anything to be done by us.
Is this documented anywhere?

I will keep an eye for any more strings that may be added. Last I checked, a few hours ago, we had a 100% coverage for 0.12.x .

@carine should be able to weigh in on the approval process in terms of who has that responsibility.

On the technical side, Crowdin has a proofreading feature and all strings need to be approved by an authorized user on Crowdin before they can appear in Kolibri.

Thanks @devon. That link is super helpful. Wondering why I did not dig that out myself. :slight_smile: