We have created several Kolibri courses on a RACHEL-Plus server. How can we export these courses to another Kolibri installation (on another RACHEL server or a laptop)?
Hi @grfriesen,
Thank you for posting! Good to be in touch again.
I assume that the courses you have created have been created using the lessons feature?
If so, we don’t currently have a mechanism for exporting lessons to another server directly.
Currently the recommended workflow is to recreate these lessons in the Studio platform in a custom channel in order to share them. We definitely want to better support this local creation flow in future, so am very interested to hear more about your use case, but we don’t have anything immediate that could be implemented.
Kind Regards,
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your response. Can you point me to documentation that tells how to create lessons in the Studio platform?
Hi @grfriesen,
The current recommended workflow is to create a ‘topic’ for each lesson and put the appropriate resources in there.
We have plans (hopefully by the end of the year) to be able to mark particular topics in a channel as ‘lessons’ to allow quicker import and reuse in Kolibri, but for now the workflow would be to create the topics in Studio, and once imported into Kolibri, lesson can be created by just selecting all of the resources in a specific topic.
The documentation for Studio can be found here: Manage channel resources — Kolibri Studio User Guide
Kind Regards,