CK12 won't install in android app

CK12 and other open source won’t install the kolibri

Hello @Masomotele.

Thanks you for reaching out. Could you please provide additional context to the issue you are experiencing. A description or screenshots of the app’s behavior, or errors displayed would be helpful in figuring out why you are unable to install CK12 resources on the android app.

Also, could you please provide details of the android version you are using to run the Kolibri app?


I am sharing below a screenshot that Bonface had shared with me of the issue, in case this is helpful!

Thanks @laura for sharing, this is helpful. As a follow up to the screenshot above, it would also be great for @Masomotele to share his device’s specifics;

  • Device e.g. Samsung
  • Model e.g. Galaxy A55
  • Version e.g. Android 14
  • RAM e.g. 8GB
  • ROM(Storage) e.g. 64GB
  • Available ROM e.g. 1GB

These details could easily be obtainable by going to Settings>About Phone, but this may well vary depending on the device model.

Hello @Masomotele!

To continue investigating the issue you’re experiencing, we would need the Kolibri logs from your Android device. Please follow these steps to retrieve the logs:

  1. Close the Kolibri app if it is running.

  2. Connect your device to a computer using a USB cable.

  3. Select File transfer in the USB options on your device.

  4. Wait for your computer to recognize the Android device as an external drive.
    On Windows it should look something like this:

  5. Navigate the drive through the below path to open the logs folder:

    This PC\<your-device-name>\Internal shared storage\Android\data\org.learningequality.Kolibri\files\KOLIBRI_DATA\logs

  6. Copy the kolibri.txt file to your computer and send it as attachment to (include the link to this forum conversation for easier tracking).

I am attaching some photos shared by Bonface via WhatsApp that he was unable to post onto the forum:

Thanks @laura for forwarding these.

@Masomotele It would still be helpful to share with us the logs by following the instructions outlined by Radina. Please let us know how we can support you in the the process.

In the meantime, we will try to replicate the issue you encountered using the information you have shared.

Many thanks,

Hello @Masomotele!

We have been able to identify and fix the issue. The fix will be included as part of 0.16.1 patch scheduled for release in roughly 2 weeks.

In the meantime, as a work around, you could try importing smaller chunks of resources from the CK-12 channel, say 20(or less) per import. We realize this could be tedious so it is worth considering waiting for the patch release, if that’s fine with you.

Thanks for your patience,

Thank you Sir

Masomotele Company

Now the android tablet cannot even import a channel,keep searching whole day

Hello @Masomotele!

Thanks for the update. I think it would be great if we can have the logs to your device too, to help us investigate further, in the event that there are some edge cases our fix might have missed. Please follow the the step-by-step procedure here as detailed by Radina, on how the logs can be extracted from your device.


Noticed something,I changed the router connecting the the laptop and tablet and it works.

Masomotele Company

Hello @Masomotele!

We are glad to know that you are now able to install the CK12 resources after your router change. For context, it would also be great to know what exactly is working; Is it installing all CK12 resources at once or in batches as we recommended previously or all challenges around installing CK12 are now resolved?


Have to copy small files,takes forever
Why does kolibri time out a few minutes even while installing a channel

Hello @Masomotele!

0.16.1 was released to the playstore (under the open testing track) close to 2 months ago (April 8). Whenever you can, it would be helpful if you can confirm if this issue has been resolved. Also, be sure to let us know in case any other issue pops up as you try out the Kolibri app.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!