I am new to working with this software but am concerned about the audio quality. I have only looked at the math videos, but the audio quality was poor in comparison to the exact same videos from the Khan Academy website.
Is there an option to only use high-quality audio/videos? Perhaps I missed this option. Or do I need to use KA Lite?
Thank you.
Hi @doesntmatter
Thanks for the feedback!
I haven’t heard reports about the audio quality in Kolibri before. Can you describe more precisely how you find the audio quality “poor”?
As for KA Lite, predecessor of Kolibri, will not help - the compression in Kolibri is an improved version of the compression mechanisms used for KA Lite. Albeit, KA Lite uses older versions of Khan Academy, last updated ~2017.
Hello again @doesntmatter
The issue was reported and has been filed as an issue. It seems that the cause is in the pre-converted upstream Khan Academy videos that are currently being pulled into various channels. How bad it is varies between languages and videos.
Because videos are already being transcoded, it seems likely that we will switch the source to Youtube instead.
If you are interested in tracking the progress, please refer to this issue: https://github.com/learningequality/sushi-chef-khan-academy/issues/7
Thanks again