Connections & Contributions

Kolibri Virtual Learning Spaces Kolibri Virtual Learning Spaces is an initiative designed to support Learning Equality’s vision of building connections and sharing experiences within the Kolibri community. Kolibri Volunteer Contributions At Learning Equality, we recognize that the execution of great ideas is a community effort, and our work is no exception. Learning Equality has been fortunate to receive support from a large community of volunteers over the years. These supporters have contributed in many ways to our Kolibri Product Ecosystem, stemming back from our co-founders who started development work on KA Lite as volunteers — well before Learning Equality was incorporated into a non-profit organization in 2013. Our work is, quite literally, built on the foundation of volunteer support.
Topic Replies Views Activity
0 680 December 13, 2021
0 450 December 1, 2022
7 424 August 13, 2023
1 495 August 13, 2023
1 888 March 26, 2021
0 626 January 28, 2021
0 681 January 28, 2021