Answer for Pat to his question from Google Groups:
Hi Pat,
Make sure that you are copying videos in the C:/Users/NAME-OF-THE-USER/.kalite/content
The user running KA Lite should be the same one, meaning that they must have permissions to access the .kalite/content
folder where the videos are located.
Once videoscan is finished, you should see the Annotation complete...
Below screenshot is from Windows 8.1, but should be the same as on Windows 10:
On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 1:16:15 AM UTC+2, Pat Bergin wrote:
Hi team,
I hope you can help me please.
I have KA Lite loaded on my computer and all the videos loaded into file C: Users/.Kalite/content,
However when I run scan content folder for Videos it shown a red circle with a slash and frezes for a while, I can click out but it does not find the videos.
Please advise how I can fix this.
I am using windows 10.Kind regards
Pat Bergin (in Ireland)
PS I am leaving for Zambia on Friday and want to set KA Lite up in a school outside Lusaka – looking forward to your help.