I am installing KA Lite on a Windows 10 laptop so I can take Khan Academy videos on the road with me when I travel. I can’t scan the content folder for videos and Loading the topic tree does not return a list. I had use one-click install and I found an answer to a similar problem in the forum that suggested one-click install doesn’t connect to the hub so it can’t retrieve the data and that rerunning setup would bring back the registration page. I have tried rerunning setup multiple times, but never get the registration option.
I have an account on the hub, but it doesn’t recognize my laptop facility.
What do I need to do to download more videos than are included in the 0.17.5 release>
Tom Erickson
Hi @Thomas_Erickson!
I would like to help you get this set up - but I would like to know where you have videos from that you are trying to scan? There aren’t any videos included in any of the installer files for 0.17.5. If you have downloaded the Windows release, you should have a Khan Academy in English with all the exercises - however, the videos have to be obtained afterwards:
You can fetch them via the UI or you can fetch resampled videos through torrent (more efficient). See docs: https://ka-lite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usermanual/userman_admin.html#downloading-videos
As for cancelling the one-click install: There is a new command in 0.17 that you can run to clear out device registration: kalite manage clearuserdata
. If you are unfamiliar with running commands on Windows, please see the KA Lite docs for further instructions.
Let me know, how we can help further!
Thanks! I do have the Khan Academy in English - plus a lot of material in Hindi! I wasn’t sure about the kalite manage commands. I will run the clearuserdata command and see where it gets me.
Ben - the kalite command worked as advertised and I successfully registered my laptop with my Hub account. I started KA Lite and logged in as admin. I clicked the Manage tab, then the Videos tab. I provided my credentials, and nothing happened. “Loading topic tree - Please wait!” didn’t change. I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions?
Hi @Thomas_Erickson - great that the first part worked. And you have gotten pretty far then.
Of course if you haven’t done this already: Give it up to 2 minutes to show up, at least to guarantee that it’s not because of some slow process.
There might be issues with the browser that you are using. Could you this online demo to see if it works? (I’ll DM you a login)
Hi @Thomas_Erickson - since you reported by DM that you have no problems accessing the demo server, I would suggest to have a look at the output of the running KA Lite server.
Could you stop the server and start it from a command line to view the outputs or perhaps review the server.log
By adjusting the below to your setup, you can run KA Lite and see outputs in your terminal:
cd C:\Python27\Scripts
kalite stop
kalite start --foreground
Afterwards, open a browser and navigate to the video download page, then look for the output in the command line.
As noob, could you explain?
To be more exact, as I am a noob, please explain.
Here are some more detailed steps: "Kolibri The Server is starting... please wait kolibri.exe"
*) where these instructions say kolibri
, replace with kalite