Offline Sync Between Coach and Student – Is It Possible in Kolibri?

Can Kolibri synchronize data between coach and student when offline? If so, how does it work?

Hi @Grace_Wang,

Thank you for your interest in Kolibri, and welcome to the forums!

Kolibri is able to sync facility data, such as coach and student activity, using network connections. The syncing process does not require internet, but it does currently require a local network. For example, common implementations will expose the school (coach) Kolibri instance over a WiFi network, which then allows roaming learner (student) Kolibri instances to sync with it when they connect to the WiFi. For some devices, like the Raspberry Pi, the WiFi network connection could be facilitated via hotspot functionality.

When the learner (student) Kolibri instances are provisioned as learn-only devices, they will sync automatically with full-facility devices on the same local network. Our glossary has a few more details regarding this functionality.
