Hi. I’m using a HP laptop and internet access Kolibri with tablets. It works great with firewall disabled. I want the tablets to access Kolibri on the laptop without using the internet. Would software like Apache allow me to turn the laptop into a server? I want to bypass the internet.
Hi Kristian,
My name is Blaine and I’m a Software Developer at Learning Equality. If the tablets and the laptop are on the same local network, you should be able to access Kolibri running on the laptop from the tablets without Apache or an internet connection. I encourage you to review our documentation, specifically this section as it describes how this would be done.
I agree with Blaine. We are using Linux Mint 19 in a server mode for our Internet in a box which has Kolibri and a lot more on it. It works GREAT. Denny
I ended up getting a wireless router that I connect to the laptop using an ethernet cable. It works great and is very portable.
Hi Blaine. My name is Vivek and I am a student at the University of Southern California and I’m trying to use kolibri to in a village in rural India as a part of a nonprofit I am a part of at USC. We are trying to use a similar hardware configuration as mentioned in this thread, hosting the server on a windows laptop with a local area connection. I tried to click on the link you sent for assistance however the page it led to no longer exists. I was wondering if you could provide me some guidance on the best course of action for this, as we have been struggling for a number of days trying to figure out how to run the network. If you could let me know what’s the easiest way to do this, I would greatly appreciate it. Please feel free to reach out to me through here or at vivekswa@usc.edu.
Apologies, @Vivek_Swaminath, the link has changed: