Kolibri tool custom build not opening as windows application

We have built kolibri tool .exe file with our custom changes as per https://github.com/learningequality/kolibri-installer-windows#readme
On running the exe, it is opening tool as browser application.
Please let us know the steps to build the exe as a windows application.

We do not want the kolibri tool to run in browser.

Hi @Pradyumna_N,

Thank you for your post. Unfortunately there is no Kolibri Windows app that functions similar to the Mac app - it only runs through the browser. Kolibri installer for Windows is an EXE because it has to package the Python installer too, and because EXE is probably the easiest way to install anything on Windows. So, the exe running in the browser is the expected behavior.

Several years ago, we had a prototype of a Windows app working like a Mac app (but basically still a browser running inside an app-like frame) but it was never made public due to some issues that were never fully resolved, and at this point it is not up to date or something we are actively working on.

Best regards,