Khan Academy Fulfulde missing/incorrect sync content

Want to follow up on the status on updating Khan Fulfulde. Also, we’ve discovered an exercise that seems to not have been updated with translation corrections and additions.

The excercise in question is in Suudu 2, “Wadugo gira fotooji” which is 2nd grade > Data > Make picture graphs.

Kolibri URL: http://kolibri.jv:12345/ff-cm/learn/#/topics/c/d0eb4510b0da5100ab8f8cd22d11f4f5?prevName=TOPICS_TOPIC&prevParams=%257B%2522id%2522%3A%252255d3fda1bbb95d4aacabb48d05e40a9a%2522%257D

Khan Fulfulde live site URL: Khan Academy

Khan English: Khan Academy

Here are screen shots showing an example of what has not been carried over. It seems this is the case throughout the exercise. Maybe it was not updated during the last sync. We’ve done quite a bit of cleanup of the translations and making sure small bits and pieces that were inconsistent and overlooked were taken care of. In the example, I’ve circled in red the part that did not transfer in this particular problem.

The life site shows that it has been translated:

In addition to this, one of the exercises would not work correctly on an Android (v10) tablet running Chrome (v132.0.6834.156). The table that needed to have the columns filled with an image (an egg) would not respond to touch, so the question could not be answered. Also, some of the exercises are showing dots in the colums, while others would not. Below is a picture of the screen showing this problem. Testing on other devices (Mac OS/Safari, iPad OS/Safari, the graph worked correctly. So, any ideas on how to remedy this?


Here is additional content that has not fully imported. This is newly added content this year.

Topic: Second Grade > Add within 1,000 using place value blocks

Column headings not imported

Published on the FV Khan Academy live site:

Topic: Ɓeydugo nder 1,000 bee ɓoode daraja nokkuure

Kolibri: http://kolibri.jv:12345/ff-cm/learn/#/topics/c/fe5f50291a39535c969a1e6cb291fe70?prevName=TOPICS_TOPIC&prevParams=%257B%2522id%2522%3A%2522663675ae7b3950e2bd8604ef28db4b46%2522%257D

An interesting additional discovery just now, the previous exercises and these exercises show up in the Learner > Home page with the English titles even though it was the Fulfulde exercises that had been recently opened with the Kolibri language set to Fulfulde.

Hi @cjackson,

Thank you for letting us know about this issue. We’ve made note of it.

Until we’re able to address it, please let us know of any other discrepancies you encounter.


Hi @blaine ,
Thanks for the reply. I currently have the hard drive with Kolibri for our Nigerian site. I am in Cameroon. We have 2 1/2 weeks before the group who is here will return to Nigeria and will return with the hard drive. If there is any chance to address these issues before then, that would be great. The Nigerian site does not have internet to download the updated content. It gets done when someone comes this way. That entails a 6-8 hour motorcycle ride across rough bike baths, along with crossing two rivers in canoes.

Hi @cjackson,

I have been looking into this, and I can’t see anything wrong with the data I am getting from Khan Academy that would have caused this, so I am wondering if I perhaps reran the script prematurely last time.

I am running it again and will spot check the end result for this exercise to ensure it is properly translated as a sanity check. Will follow up!

Kind Regards,

Hi @cjackson,

I have determined the cause of this issue now - while we are getting all of the correct question data with translations intact, the data used to generate the legends for figures, such as the hundreds, tens, ones table here is being incorrectly fetched in English.

This is affecting all of our Khan Academy channels in every language - your keen eye has uncovered something hugely fundamental that has gone unnoticed for nearly 9 years - thank you!

I am working on a fix now, and will reply on this thread when I have an update.

Kind Regards,

Hi @cjackson,

I believe I have fixed the error, and have republished the channel. In local testing with this update, I am now seeing this!

I hope this fix was in time for your needs, apologies for the delay!

Kind Regards,


Thank you so much for your thorough effort to find the underlying cause. So great that you identified this problem for the sake of all of the other languages, too. Thank you again.

We have one more week before the literacy classes finish and that SSD for the Nigerian site will return home, so it is easily in time.

Thank you again.


yes, looks like the data for the tables came through.

The new content from Grade 3 that we have translated (“Suudu 3”) has not been imported to the studio channel yet, though.

There are 13 topics in Units 1-4 that are translated and published on Khan Academy


Hi @cjackson,

It seems that this unit was getting filtered by our attempts to prevent resources that are not fully translated being processed - except in this case, the entire Grade was being excluded because some of the units are not translated yet.

I think I have worked out the correct combination of flags to obey - unfortunately we’ve had difficulty in the past as the “listed” value (indicating something is displayed on the KA site) has not always lined up with what has actually been displayed. Possible that has been resolved now, at least for Fulfulde, but I will look further.

In the meantime, I have confirmed that Suudu 3 is now present in the channel and have republished - hopefully all the content you anticipate being present, now should be.

Kind Regards,


Thank you! I have downloaded the Suudu 3 content. This is really great and perfect timing. I can now send the SSD for the Nigeria center fully upgraded.
