Khan Academy data graph exercises not showing graphics, not responding to touch

In exercises in early math with interactive picture graphs, the graphic doesn’t show up on some exercises, and the interactive graph doesn’t respond to touch. As a result, the exercises cannot be completed.

Example exercise: http://kolibri.jv:12345/ff-cm/learn/#/topics/c/f94aee98a78d5af095310a2b52a826ec?prevName=TOPICS_TOPIC&prevQuery=%257B%2522prevName%2522%3A%2522LIBRARY%2522%257D&prevParams=%257B%2522id%2522%3A%2522cd56feb41dd65cba8659dfad7d5fc15e%2522%257D

Sometimes, in the interactive graph there are grey dots showing where the image goes to fill the graph accordingly. When there are grey dots, when touching them to add the graphic, the dot disappears, but the graphic is not placed in the column to show the count.

In other cases, there are no dots, but one can touch the graph with no response, no graphic added. Refreshing the screen doesn’t work.

In other cases, there are no grey dots, but the graph responds to touch and the graphic is added.

This problem occurs in all 3 language versions of Khan Academy we are using: English, French and Fulfulde Mbororoore

I have tested this on the following devices with consistently mixed results:

Samsung Galaxy Tab running Android 10, Chrome 126.0.6487.122 (consistently not working)
iPad Mini 2021, iOS 18.3, Safari 18 (the interactive graphs work more consistently)
iPad Air 2, iOS 15.7.3, Safari 15 (some work interactive graphs work; one question with “Apple seeds” not showing the Apple graphic, but the grey dots are on the table and when touched they disappear; exercise with lady bugs, shows squares with question marks instead of lady bugs)
Vankyo Tablet, Android 9, Chrome 131.0.6778.260 (consistently does not work)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS 15.3.1, Safari 18.3 (the interactive graphs work consistently)

I have cleared the cache and browser history of the devices that don’t work correctly, but that has not helped.


In exercises in early math with interactive picture graphs, the graphic doesn’t show up on some exercises, and the interactive graph doesn’t respond to touch.

Example exercies: http://kolibri.jv:12345/ff-cm/learn/#/topics/c/f94aee98a78d5af095310a2b52a826ec?prevName=TOPICS_TOPIC&prevQuery=%257B%2522prevName%2522%3A%2522LIBRARY%2522%257D&prevParams=%257B%2522id%2522%3A%2522cd56feb41dd65cba8659dfad7d5fc15e%2522%257D

Same exercise on Khan Academy: Khan Academy

Technical details

Version: 0.17.5
OS: Linux-6.1.21-v8±aarch64-with-glibc2.31
Python: 3.9.2
Installer: deb kolibri-server - 0.5.0-0ubuntu1
Server: nginx/1.18.0
Database: /home/pi/.kolibri/db.sqlite3
Free disk space: GB 620
Server time: Mon Mar 03 2025 13:08:44 GMT+0100 (West Africa Standard Time)
Server timezone: Africa/Douala
Device ID: 86a460380dbbc8ff95b31688d3694024