How to import Khan Exercises into Studio

I was wondering how do you import Khan Academy exercises in Kolibri Studio.
Do you manually create the exercises using the Studio GUI?
In Kolibri, exercises are stored as Perseus files. Is it possible to upload a Perseus file to Studio using ricecooker?

thank you very much
Juan Pablo

There is a question type in ricecooker PerseusQuestion which allows setting raw Perseus JSON, rather than the regular assessment types. This is then turned directly into the JSON used in the perseus files that Studio generates.

The downside here being that this is not then further editable in Studio.

See our Khan Academy content integration script for an example of its use: sushi-chef-khan-academy/ at master · learningequality/sushi-chef-khan-academy · GitHub

Hi Richard
Our goal is to translate khan exercises into Quechua (native peruvian language). We have access to the perseus files in kolibri server, but, is there a way to turn it back into json? in order to translate the jsons and then upload them to Studio.
Or, how can we download json files (exercises) directly from Khan Academy using ricecooker? any thoughts?
thank you very much

Hi @Juan_Pablo_Seminario, long time no speak! Hope all is well with you. I just read this thread and am wondering if an introduction to the I18N manager at Khan Academy would be helpful, so that your team can translate the exercises directly with them, and we can chef them on our end, making everything publicly available on Studio. I’d be happy to put you in touch with her.

Also, did you guys end up translating the Kolibri Learning Platform into Quechua?

Hi Carine
Our efforts to translate Kolibri into quechua working with the community were unsuccessful, so finally we decided to hired a professional translator, and we have started the translation based on the jsons files in the folder /locale/es_419)/LC_MESSAGES/. Fantastic to get in touch with the i18N manager and collaborate!
Anyway, it would be very useful for us having the capacity of editing the exercises in order to add more questions to an exercise, for example. So, please if you can give us a hand with this issue, we’ll appreciate it a lot.
Thank you very much

Oh interesting, ok, so here’s the thing, there’s a bit more to making Kolibri available in another language than just translating the strings in the JSON files (@richard could explain better) but the point is, if you had your professional translator use Crowdin directly – Translating Kolibri - Learning Platform to Quechua language - Crowdin – they’d be able to translate the entire Kolibri platform thing at once, and we’d be very happy to make Kolibri available in Quechua for you once it’s done. In parallel, you could work with KA directly to translate the exercises (and their translation platform likely uses Crowdin on the back end), and once it’s done, we can chef their channel for you.

Crowdin is the platform we trained that group of volunteer translators you had back in the day. It’s very straight forward, especially for a professional translator. But here are some supportive materials as well, in case you deem this a good idea:

Volunteer translator training:

And in case they need to work offline, we’d be happy to help strategize a workflow for that too, just in case the online system is a blocker.

Please let us know what you think. It’d be great to collaborate on this.
In any case, I’ll go ahead and make the introduction to Anna from Khan Academy.

Thanks, JP.