Small Kolibri implementation in two schools in Northern Tanzania

I am planning a small implementation in 2 schools (Secondary) in Northern Tanzania - remote, rural with intermittent power. Twenty five laptops for each school. For each school, I plan on 2 Admin accounts, 4 Coach accounts, and accounts to handle all students. Schools will have router/wifi capability but no Internet. Laptops have 4GB MM with local disk storage at 118 GB.

What is the recommended layout of the laptops - should one serve as a “server” or do I need a larger computer to act as that server or will one of the laptops suffice? Do you recommend a small NAS, or will all sharing be handled within Kolibri between laptops? Just some simple Kolibri application principles and infrastructure principles to get me started developing a BOM will suffice. I will probably have some follow on questions. Thanks for any insights you can provide. Cheers, Steve.

Hi Steve,
We have deployed Kolibri in computers around the world. A typical lab has 15 - 20 cliient computers and 1 Internet In A Box ( IIAB ) server that feeds the clients via a wifi router. Both computer versions run Linux Mint and the IIAB is slightly more powerful and has a 1 TB HD. We load everything in English, French, Spanish and Haitian Creole. Kolibri hands it all very well. We’re in the process of setting up one of these labs in Tanzania also. Let me know if you need more info. Denny