No content in "learn" tab when using Indonesian

I have a ka-lite installation with both the English and Indonesian content packs installed. However when I enable the Indonesian language the “learn” tab is empty. Does this mean that only the admin interface has been translated to Indonesian and none of the content has?

I’ve had a look at the kahn academy translation resources and it indicates that a number of the early maths videos have been translated although not all have been approved. It shows the notice “Warning: This content isn’t complete but is live on the site”. Is this the same content that is used for ka-lite or is there a different language repository used for ka-lite content packs?

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@elvey Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Can you give us the link where you found the indonesian language on Khan Academy?

Does this mean that only the admin interface has been translated to Indonesian and none of the content has?

Yep, only the interface was translated to Indonesian language and not the whole topics and videos available on the English content. Since I looked into the Indonesian content packs, it seems like the database is empty and there are no available videos for it.

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I’m also wondering how to get the Khan Academy content which is available in Indonesian on the Khan Academy website, into Kolibri.