Kolibri in Raspberry Pi 5

Hi there, I attempted to install a Raspberry Kolibri image on a Raspberry Pi 5 hardware, but the Raspberry complaints it isn’t a valid image and remains in an infinite loop. Second, I installed a Raspberry 32 bit OS and then tried to follow the Debian installation instructions, but I get an “add-apt-repository command not found” error after issuing “sudo add-apt-repository ppa:learningequality/kolibri”. Unfortunately, none of the hints found in Internet fixes the error.
Is there an ETA for the Raspberry Pi 5 image? Alternatively, what is the recommendation to fix the error told above?
Many thanks in advance.

Hi @marcoalvarado,

Thank you for your interest in Kolibri. The Kolibri Raspberry Pi image isn’t yet compatible with the Pi 5. Apologies that we missed your message here, but I did successfully test the debian installation process on a Pi 5.

Could you try using the first method listed here to add the PPA. The first method will manually install the PPA instead of using add-apt-repository.

I will relay your interest in support for the Pi 5 to our product team.


Hi Blaine,

Thanks for your answer. I will try the alternative procedure in a few days.


Hi Blaine,
It worked! Many thanks.

Hi @marcoalvarado,

Just an update on Pi 5 support:

The latest Kolibri image for Raspberry Pi should be compatible now. As of now, that Kolibri version is 0.17.5 and you can find the image on our download page: Download Kolibri - Learning Equality

Hi Blaine,
Great news and many thanks for the follow up.