How to start kolibri install with .whl file on windows 10

I have made a kolibri.whl file and installed it on windows 10. How can i start it?

From a windows terminal (cmd):

  1. If you have added the Python binary directories to your system path, you just need to execute kolibri start (or kolibri start --foreground if you don’t want it to be a service)

  2. If you don’t have them in your path you have to cd to wherever your python binaries are, and execute the command described above.

Thanks a lot its working.
Is there any script that can auto start Kolibri on startup

I am not a Windows user, but according to it seems you just need to add a launcher in its Windows 10 Startup Folder Location

On the other hand, if you install Kolibri using the Windows installer, it will do it automatically, you would not need any kind of terminal hack :wink:

Okay, i didin’t install kolibri with the windows installer I install it with .WHL file. Thanks!!!