How to install Kolibri contents offline? Is that possible?

Dear All,

I just installed Kolibri on raspberry pi 3. When I import the contents from Kolibri Studio - Ka-lite contents, it always hangs my raspberry pi. Are there another solutions how I can import the contents from Locally?

Another question is when I finished with that all contents, can i easily added my local contents to raspberryPi3 Kolibri server via Kolibri admin console?

Many thanks in advance.

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Hi Salai,

I just installed Kolibri on raspberry pi 3. When I import the contents from Kolibri Studio - Ka-lite contents, it always hangs my raspberry pi. Are there another solutions how I can import the contents from Locally?

Can you describe more about what’s happening when you try to bring in the Khan Academy content? We’re currently working to resolve an issue with importing the Khan Academy content into Kolibri (it stalls at the “Preparing” stage in some instances) and that may be what you’re experiencing. See more information here and to track when it’s resolved.

Outside of this existing issue, you can import Kolibri content ‘offline’ by following a couple steps:

  1. Import the channel, while connected to the internet, from Studio onto your local copy of Kolibri.
  2. Once the channel is imported, export it onto an attached drive (more information here).
  3. Once it has been exported onto the drive, you can import it offline by: 1) connecting the drive to the Raspberry Pi, 2) opening the copy of Kolibri that is installed on the Pi, and 3) Going to the Import section and clicking “Attached drive or memory card” as the source.

In general, over slower connections we advise importing a larger channel like KA in chunks by doing a few sub-sections at a time. This will help to avoid any time out errors.

Another question is when I finished with that all contents, can i easily added my local contents to raspberryPi3 Kolibri server via Kolibri admin console?

Yes, you can bring in your own content using Kolibri Studio. I’ll message you privately about setting up an account on Studio.


Thanks for the report, and for your patience! We have just released Kolibri v0.9.1, which we expect should resolve the “hanging” portion of this issue (KA importing will still take a minute or two to kick off, due to the massive size of the database entries being loaded, but should no longer take “forever”). You can download it here (and please let us know how it goes):