First time running KA-Lite on Windows 10 Professional, Creators Update
(ka-lite-static-0.17.0 and Python 2.7.13)
Chrome shows 23 errors on the splash page:
- All image links broken:
o /static/images\logo_10-enlarged_2.png
o /static/images/distributed/FLE.png
o /static/images/distributed/CC-BY-NC-SA.png
Looking at the splash screen html:
Referenced file not on machine: reverse.js
There is no file en.js in specified path “/static/js/118n/en.js”
(on my machine, a valid path would be C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\kalite\static-libraries\js\i18n\en.js) -
For these paths on the splash page to work:
“static/images/distributed/FLE.png” and
the working direcory would need to be “C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\kalite\distributed”This appears inconsistent with these paths on the splash page:
which require a working directory of “C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\kalite\inline” -
The only button on the page, “x Close”, doesn’t work.
None of the JavaScript resource files were executed.
None of the CSS was implemented.
Maybe a problem with paths?