About the Android category

What feedback do we want from testers of the Android app?

  • Technical stability - which versions of Android, and which specific devices the Android app is stable on.
  • Technical performance - which versions of Android, and which specific devices the Android app performs at an acceptable level on (latency of interactions, startup time, etc.)
  • Usability - which form factors does the Android App work usably on (phones and tablets of different dimensions).
  • Bugs - do any parts of Kolibri simply fail to work as expected specifically in the Android App?
  • Requirements for release - what else would the Kolibri Android App need to be able to do in order for it to be suitable for use in different projects. The context of the project, anticipated user journeys, and expected flows of data and content are important to note here.

Create a separate topic for each feedback item, noting the following information as it relates to your experience:

  • Feedback type: Technical stability, technical performance, usability, bugs, requirements for release or general suggestion.
  • Android device type (including Android version name/number, plus device manufacturer and model - look in device’s “Settings” for this information). Having as much information as possible about the circumstances in which you ran into your issue is vital to being able to fix it.
  • How did your expected user experience differ from what you actually experienced?
  • How critical is this issue/feedback for a positive user experience (scale of 1-10)?
  • [If feedback on Requirements for release] Describe your anticipated use case and the context of the project, anticipated user journeys, and expected flows of data and content are important to note here.
  • [If feedback on Technical performance] What were other parameters around how you tested?

Please understand that we have a limited capacity in terms of support for the Android installer, and will not be able to address issues in a timely manner. These issues will, however, be addressed before the widespread release of the app.