Im headed down to Haiti to set up a school with Ka-lite - bless all of you who have worked on this. Can anyone tell me how many concurrrent users can watch video content from a Pi3 running kalite ? just trying to ball park so i know how many devices to build.
hi Nathier & educell: could you provide more info on your setup? Kind of network setup (i.e. access points models) ?
Also when you say you have 10 users , are they making simultaneous connections requesting files or it’s just 10 logged users?
I received feedback today from another user who was successfully able to connect 12-13 (they’re using 2 Pi’s for 25 tablets). They reported that initial connection or logging in would cause some slowness, but that it was fine afterward, especially when all 25 tablets login around the same time.
Please try and get mor especific information about the user’s configuration and hardware used to have 25 users logged in to the RaspPI. I had about 15 when thigs started to go wrong all logging in at once, then settled for 10 users a session for interupted learning experience.