Kolibri - what's behind the name?

Developed for low-resource and low-connectivity contexts, the flexibility of Kolibri allows it to support learners across learning environments and be adaptable based on unique learning needs. Kolibri means ‘hummingbird’ in dozens of languages, and hummingbirds are similarly small and lightweight. Some other comparisons we draw:

  • They can traverse borders to reach remote areas
  • They share their voices openly
  • They pollinate and Kolibri does the same by seeding devices and spreading knowledge

We wanted to build something that is useful for as many people as possible, no matter where they come from.


I legit thought it was because it was small and powerful like the gun.

:sweat_smile: I’m sure the people who gave the name were not aware of this meaning or they probably would not have used it. Looking at the history of the wikipedia page you’ve linked, it was created in 2018 when our kolibri was already 2 years old so they didn’t have a chance to check it.

I’m not 100% sure of this but the part of the legend I know says they selected that word after checking hummingbird sounded very similar in many languages (excepting in English, ironically) and it’s a bird common in the area where they live.