Kolibri Content Library for India specific contexts

At present, the following content sources available in Kolibri are highly relevant to our India implementations available in a variety of Indian languages: PraDigi, Pratham Books Storyweaver, PhET Interactive Simulations, Khan Academy (en, hi), Save the Children and Open University’s TESS-India, CK-12, MIT Blossoms, Sikana, and Touchable Earth. These resources are in the form of books, games, videos, exercises, and app simulations. You can explore the content library and the type of resources available by creating an account on Kolibri Studio and browsing our public channel list. Over the next few months, we are also planning to integrate more content in a variety of Indian languages.

It’s also relevant to note that the Kolibri platform itself is available in Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, Urdu, Kannada, and Gujarati.