Image support in Kolibri Studio

I am trying to upload image content into Kolibri studio, but it does not seem supported.

How are a number of you going about this

Hi Richard,

Thanks for sharing your interest in this functionality. We don’t currently support the uploading of image content into Studio, but we have it in our roadmap to make this available in the next 3-6 months. We appreciate your patience in the interim!

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Hi Richard,

As Laura replied we do not currently support uploading images, but one possible workaround would be to export/save the image as a PDF file, and upload it to Studio as a document.

In case you don’t have access to an image editing program, you could easily do it in any office package (Word, Libre Office): import image in a blank document and Save/Export as PDF.

Please think about adding an alternative text for the image itself, to make it accessible to learners with disabilities.

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