Link to community forum on new website

Hi all.

I couldn’t find a link to this forum from the new Learning Equality website. This forum has been helpful and useful to me since I discovered Kolibri. Please, could a link be added under the main navigation named Kolibri?

Thank you.

Hi @nativebreed,

Thank you for your feedback. You may have noticed the website has been updated. We’ll continue to make updates to it in the coming months.

Learning Equality is launching into a new era of innovation and impact. This incredibly exciting inflection point includes a new co-leadership structure, a rebranded look & feel, and new additions to our Kolibri ecosystem of products. Learn more:

We’ll be sharing more details about each update this week, so stay tuned!


I wish you every success. What you are doing is making a huge positive difference in many lives. Keep up the good work.

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