Kolibri login works, but content access causes crash

Hello @cjackson,
yes, there is a serie of new optional parameters to add to the options.ini file to make redis reduce automatically the size of the caching thus avoiding problems in low memory devices.
They are set under the [Cache] section in the .kolibri/options.ini file with these default values:.
are the ones that could be useful for you. I would not play with them all at the same time, in your case I think that CACHE_REDIS_MAXMEMORY should be the only to try to fine tune.
In any case, I think the problem you had yesterday was due to a bad upgrade from a beta version to the final 0.14.3 release and it should not happen any more if you set a value for CACHE_REDIS_MAXMEMORY after flushing its database.
The default value for this parameter is 0, what means no limit, and for a 1Gb of RAM device, that’s not good.

If you have this problem again after this change, we should investigate it more, because it would be an issue that must be fixed.