How to start and test Kolibri on an Windows and/or Ubuntu server?

Co Foundation ( ) in Ghana are planning to start a course “Electrical Installations” for the Kitase Action Boys ( ). We first want to start with KA Lite ( Math ), but to continue later with Kolibri with our own resources. The environment is a locale ( WiFi ) network without access to internet.

We have installed KA Lite on a Windows and Ubuntu server and it works perfect. How can we start and test Kolibri on a Windows and/or Ubuntu server?

Thanks and regards…
Wijnand Nijs

Found in the forum: “KA Lite is build specifically for serving Khan Academy videos, but you soon be able to use a similar platform that works in offline settings, to serve your own video content. Kolibri will allow you to curate your own content channel with selections from Khan Academy as well as your local educational content. Stay tuned for our public release next year.”

When comes this public release ? As installer on Windows and/or Ubuntu server? Is it in Kolibri possible to include pdf documents accessible for learners?

Hi @Wijnand

Great to hear your interest and about the CO Foundation!

Kolibri will be made available for Debian/Ubuntu and also for Windows. But we need time to develop it before we can support it in real deployments. So it exists, just please don’t deploy it before the end of the year when the public release is made available :slight_smile:

If you want to host KA videos for Math, then KA Lite can satisfy this requirement easily – but planning for Kolibri at a later stage is a great idea because of the additional contents, improved user interface, coach reports etc.

Please also refer to our public site and sign up for the newsletter for announcements!


So what tool would you recommend to create content to be played online?
I was thinking in using H5P for creating HMTL5 content but I guess it requires Internet access.


I was thinking in using H5P for creating HMTL5 content but I guess it requires Internet access.

H5P would be interesting to make importable. @ivan and @richard have already been looking at how to achieve this from the WordPress / Moodle integrations. But there are no outcomes or roadmaps yet, and it requires that Kolibri reverse engineers the API that H5P has implemented in PHP.

If you want to create simple quizzes on top of uploading contents (videos, PDFs etc), you can design topics and curricula from scratch on Kolibri Studio and export this to Kolibri as channels via

If you want to create rich interactive exercises, you can also use Perseus, which is the renderer that Khan Academy uses and which is already supported in Kolibri. This online editor can create exercises and then serialize them: @storybook/cli - Storybook

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You said: “Perseus is already supported in Kolibri”. We have to edit on github, serialize and import the exercises in Kolibri? Or is it (will be) integrated in Kolibri?


We have to edit on github, serialize and import the exercises in Kolibri? Or is it (will be) integrated in Kolibri?

Yes, I’m afraid that the current answer is the sad “serialize it manually” approach… but there are plans of something much more nice, draft title is “Kolibri Studio Lite”, I think @richard can fill you in here.

The current Version 0.10.0 has all the features. I had a Chance to evaluate and explore in detail…
Great job by Kolibri team

Happy Teaching
